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Topic starter legit source

RoidsMaLL Supplier

Roidsmall has come through like clockwork on every order I've purchased. I love their selection of pharma grade products. One stop shop for everything you need. The "Walmart" of sources.

I've never once had to email them about an order. It was always like clockwork. I place order, I pay for order, wait a few days and received my confirmation email that my order has been shipped.

They have always done their part in getting the product out and into the mail very shortly after my funds were received, which in reality anything after that is not the fault of the source which unfortunately many people fail to realize, they do not deliver the mail as packages have ranged anywhere from 13-28 days. The previous two were both exactly 28 days. BUT was in the mail at the post within 3 days of receiving my funds.

I have zero complaints as of yet for any products I have used.

I am currently using the HCG as I had just finished the same brand but from a different source. Everytime I open a new hcg amp I use a cheap pregnancy test to test the legitimacy of it and of course it came out positive otherwise I would not be using it. Not much else I can comment on this product at the moment, it is legitimate according to the test. The Kalpa's Testoxyl Propionate I am saving to use as a taper off of this cycle. The Testoxyl Suspension is about equal to the average tne I have used prior from other sources. I get the same amount of endurance and stamina that day in the gym as I would using most tne's. there is nothing special about it but that doesn't mean it is a bad product. Is equal to what in my opinion it should be equal to. Nothing more and nothing less. I am 5 weeks in using the Organon Sustanon 250 at 750mg weekly. (1 amp Mon, Wed, Fri). prior to switching to these I was on a top sources Test E using about 850mg weekly and had recent blood work done the week before I switched to these amps and came out with test levels over 10,000! considering I would be running a little less of a dose these I thought for sure I would feel some sort of test crash. I waited and was fully expecting it but luckily it never happened, meaning my levels must be still in a pretty high range. I will almost for sure say they are not over 10,000 but they must have stayed pretty high in order to not crash like i expected. I am about 3 & a half weeks left until I pull my blood work on these. I am looking forward to it and will post the results as soon as I can. I do know I am still making consistent gains, and have every side effect of good test. I am expecting great results.

I have been fully satisfied with their products, their ability to get my packages mailed out soon after funds are picked up, and their selection is unbelievable. Literally a one stop shop. I definitely recommend RoidsMaLL and as long as they stay like this I always will.

Quis nos es non potens ut muto, nos es postulo perfero. Illegitimis non carborundum!

scottyo, Sphinx, mekira and 25 people reacted
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roidsmall is by far the best in the business. I will always use the services and have recommended them to anyone who ever asks for the best. If you use anything else than roidsmall you should just give me your money because you are wasting your time and effort.

Always swift delivery.

2 x KP Turan (Turinabol)

4 x KP Tren Enanth 200

6 x KP Test Prop 100

All products ordered were superior as always. Will always use roidsmall for ordering all of my gear.

I gained 15 lbs. of quality muscle and down 5% bodyfat.

Cant wait for next order with roidsmall!

This post was modified 2 years ago by admin

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There is never any need usually for any communication with this source. You order then wait. Product arrives discreetly packaged

Kalpa Test Cyp x 10

This may be some of the best test I have ever ran. I have broken numerous personal records since starting this test! Great boost of confidence, strength, aggression in the gym and libido running at 500 mg a week for 12 weeks alongside NPP. Am in my 10th week and have gained 16 pounds of lean muscle. I have a very fast metabolism so I never have shown any bloat while on the longer ester. Acne was controlled with Aromasin as well as all other sides. This batch of Kalpa is dosed according to the mass specs posted!

Thanks Roidsmall for being honest and for your excellent product quality

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Posts: 16

Making my third order from them at roidsmall.

Quality products every time no matter the lab!

Gain 15lbs lean after post cycle first round and 12 the next. Order was shipped quickly and professionally. This is the right spot to get the good stuff and great deals all the time.

Hi Everybody!!

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I've been using roidsmall for a very long time. Nothing but good experiences. They take care of their clients.

Always very prompt responses.

Usually arrives well inside promised time:

  • DP Test E/EQ blend
  • Axio mast prop 100
  • Axio Ultraplex Mix
  • Axio EQ
  • DP Aromasin
  • DP anadrol

I have ordered and reviewed all these products before. It says a lot that after some time I've gotten around to getting them again and after using I find the quality. DP anadrol is as good as any other drol I've used. Strength comes on fast and is amazing. Especially for multi joints it seems. Size comes according to caloric intake. I've gotten shredded on this as well as huge. Test/EQ blend is excellent. I've always used it as follows. With Axio EQ and mast prop. Blend is 200/200mg I'll use 1 1/2cc's with 1cc EQ 200 mon and Thursday that's 1000mg EQ 600mg test E a week. That is done for 12,14, or 16 weeks. Around the 6th or 7th week the test has me on fire. In the gym and in the bed. Strength is awesome

Added to what the drol already gave me. About week 9 or 10 the EQ is full effect. Veins every where and stronger than I've ever been. Adding plates every set it seems. Size is there to. I try to keep the bloat away. I take 12.5mg of DP Aro a day while test 500mg a wk or higher. The last 4 or 5 weeks I drop the blend down to 1 1/2 cc's a wk raising Axio EQ to 3 to 3 1/2 cc's a wk. with 1 to 1 1/2 cc's of Axio mast prop 100. Aro is dropped to 6.25mgs ed or eod. At the end of this cycle I feel look great. I love the synergistic effect these compounds have on one another.

Axio ultraplex is the shit. With this and nothing else I can look like a monster and be as strong as one. Running it at 1 1/2 to 2ccs eod. Or 1cc 1/2cc ed Alternating dose each day. Pinning it ed I seem to get better results on a slightly lower dose. My next run I think I'm gong

These guys are pros. They take pride in the products and services they provide. And it shows. Axiolabs is the lab I've used the most from them but they have several I wouldn't hesitate to run. Thanks roidsmall. I hope I'm ordering from you for a long time to come.

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Overall ive had good experiences with ROIDSMALL. All of my products that i've bought were legit.

Good communication and Ticket service

Discreet packaging, never had problems or broken vials.

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First time using Roidsmall. Great Experience! I placed the order, and within 2 weeks had my gear. Gear comes in a small discreet package. I ordered Axio Test E, Dbol, Adex. I am 5 weeks into my cycle (600mg Test E wk1-12, 30mg/ed Dbol wk1-5, Adex 0.5mg/eod wk1-12). I have gain 16 lbs and had awesome strength gains. Just got my labs back today and Total Test was over 4000 ng/dl.

I plan to place another order with Roidsmall this week for my next cycle.

Communication was excellence. The emails were thorough and I was able to track the order on their website as they processed it. Didn't need to deal with any support staff.

Within 2 weeks of placing my order my gear arrived in a small discreet package.

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This was my first time ordering from RoidsMall. Great reviews from others made me give them a try, and I'm glad I did. They have great selection and fast service..

Outstanding communication. They keep you informed every step of the process, and they get a big plus for that.

Solid packing and cushioning. Not a problem. All arrived ok and damned quick, too.

3 -Test Enan 10ml (Axiolabs)

Ordered three and just finished first 10ml that I pin with Tren E. The stuff is awesome. A little PIP but nothing I'm not used to by now from a really good product. Backed off my dose slightly from normal level due to my sex drive heading into overdrive and from slight acne. This stuff gets my vote. Will definitely reorder same next cycle.

Leave the light on, RoidsMall. I'll be back for more.

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I've been using Roidsmall since 2012 and am a very happy customer. I've placed almost a dozen orders over the last few years. I've rarely ever had a problem. Top notch vendor.

The communication is good. You get automated emails on the progress of the order. They have support if you run into any issues. The response is pretty prompt, but I'm guessing english is a second language so keep all communication simple, clear, concise and to the point and you won't have any trouble.

The packaging is good. I've never had anything broken. I did wish they would include a stone to score the ampoules, but other than that solid. They will include original packaging, but consolidate product to minimize bulk.

I do extended cycles of three months on two months off with PCT. Strength, size, vascularity is all up. I am down to 11% BF. More importantly I get my blood work done regularly both on and off cycle. Testosterone, Free+Total LC/MS

Testosterone, Total, LC/MS 3056.5 ng/dL HIGH Normal range 348.0-1197.0

Free Testosterone(Direct) >51.0 pg/mL HIGH Normal range 6.8-21.5


Insulin-Like Growth Factor I 383 ng/mL HIGH Normal range 75-216

Roidsmall is really good.

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I have been a customer of RoidsMaLL for about 7 years now and they never disappoint! Even while they were going through internal restructuring they have always maintained great communication and rapid response times. Packages are sent quickly and discreetly and if any issues were to be encountered they would address them immediately. My favorite product line by far is their DP line. Most if not all of the products in that line have been laboratory tested with results readily available. My last cycle consisted of Cyp, EQ, Tren A, and Anavar, all from DP and got fantastic results from it! I will be ordering again soon and will give my update after package arrival! Stay hungry and make gains!

Communication and support is on point! Responses within 24hrs or less!

Packaging is discreet and delivery is as expected if not earlier.

I have been using primarily DP products and have always gotten great results from them. All products are laboratory tested with results to show. My last run consisted of 500mg DP cyp, 400mg DP Tren A, 600mg DP EQ, 50mg DP Anavar/Anadrol (cycling between the two every 2 days). Ran this for about 12 weeks and made great gains in strength and size while maintaining a low BF %.

Awesome company, great service, would recommend to anyone!

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I had ordered from Roidsmall in the past with great results but after hearing a while back that they had shipping problems I was cautious about ordering again. I finally pulled the trigger and I couldn't be happier that I did. Everything went very smooth and I received my order in 14 days, I was really surprised that it was here that quick. SX Sus is legit and I am loving life on it, strength is up and fat is down. I look completely different from when I started, everyone is asking what I'm on. Will definitely being ordering again...Thanks Roidsmll!

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I have been using roidsmall for about 2 years and I am always happy with this source.

I always get my orders within 10 working days so its such a fast procedure.

I have always gotten very good quality products, never ever a broken vial or something like that.

Always fast and straight-forward with good information. Nothing to complain about.

Packaging is always stealthy and never ever have I gotten a broken vial, so they are well packed in bubble etc to avoid breaking and therefore a failed shipment. Always have gotten what i ordered and no wrong shipments or confiscated shipments.

4x TEST E - Kalpa

1 DBOL Kalpa

1 Oxys Kalpa

Very high quality, just wanted to try but I was very much surprised with these.

Will be buying more !! Best oxys ever used. Very good test and dbol.

I always use this source as my primary source !

Good stocks, fast shipping. AMAZING prices on discounts etc.

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I have ordered from roidsmall over 25 times. Ive had a few times that postal issues caused the delay. Never has it been roidsmall fault.

It is always timely, and truthful.

Packaging is always safe,secure. Never recieved broken items.

Sus 250. 3times a week. Proviron 1 tab q day. Together strength,size, and labido have been incredible with past cycles. Will do further review after a couple weeks of using this batch.

I reccomend roidsmall, I have used alot of sites. For alot of years. Have lost alot of money in past from complications associated with getting gear. Other companies have taken money went under, and never made good. Roidsmall has always made good, when they have trouble!! I will continue to use them!!!

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Posts: 7

Always been a fan of Roidsmall products,they update a lot of new product these days.and they offer so many deals to save you money!!!

The communication was awesome. Email updates through the whole process. No need to even contact them or check your account status.

Discrete and I've never had an issue.Package arrived 2 weeks from the time of accepted payment.

4 x DP Turanabol

3 x DP NPP 150

3 x DP Deca 300

2 x DP Clenbuterol

2 x DP M1T

Quality is very high, you can feel hot an hand shake after you took DP Clen 20mins. burning your fat!

You won't be disappointed. very professional, very satisfied.Love Roidsmall.

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Roidsmall is always a good stop for any sort of gear you can think of. I have made several large orders from him and love the quality of his materials. I've had many friends and folks use his gear with great success, always adding size, strength, and achieving a body they've always wanted. This review will be on the gear I've used , Kalpatropin hgh.

Roidsmall is solid in this department. Their customer service on their site is instant and those chat folks do an excellent job.

TA comes quick. Things happen and shit gets stuck in customs or something, however Roidsmall's does a great job getting the gear through. Packaging is always secure, great concealment, never would guess what's inside.

Many products from his Kalpa line, however this review is only on their Kalpatropin hgh.

Initially I was skeptical getting decent hgh for such a low price. I had never used hgh before and ordered these last october in 2022. I started taking them as soon as I got off the EBC cycle and I started with 2iu a day. I was off cycle and I was maintaining great weight and muscle density. Appetite was low but still kept on weight. When I was eating, it wasn't always the cleanest food. So surprisingly I was still staying leaner than I would have thought. I bumped my dose to 4iu for a week and immediately started getting numb hands, it was so bad I backed everything down to 2iu again and ran it at that for awhile. I slept like a rock on this, I never knew what deep sleep was until I started hgh, and this hgh was no exception.

To summarize, Kalpatropin work great, they aren't pharma quality but for the price it is excellent hgh. All sides came from using it, and it was an excellent hgh choice for my first go around.

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