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Topic starter legit source

MassRoids Supplier

Good old MassRoids Always comes through !! These guys amaze me on how on point they are!! They must get 100's of orders a month and i always get my package a week to 10 days after the cash is picked up. I highly recommend Massroids for everything your looking for. Even if you cant find it on the site just send them an email and they'll do there best to help and find whatever it is your after!!

If i order on monday i can bet it will be on my door step by the following friday !! Super fast!!

My last order was inspected by homeland security and it still got to me!!!

  • KP TEST Cyp
  • Aromasin
  • Nolva
  • HGH Kalpatropin
  • KP Oxandroxyl (Anavar)
  • Axio Oxandroplex

Been running 2iu every day of the Kalpatropin HGH 8 weeks, Dropped about 4% BF in 2 weeks Numbness in hands

Test E was Amazing, sex drive up , strength went through the roof but that may have been from the Var. NO PIP at all 9/10 ran for 5 weeks TEST cyp-ran after the Test E , had basically the same effects, but i held a bit more water on the cyp over the E

ran 5 weeks after the test E Anavar - ran @ 60mg daily at week 4 , hardened up all my gains and strength went sky high, also lost some body fat.

ran from week 4 through week 10 Aromasin - 12.5 mg every other day. kept all estrogen sides at bay.

ran whole cycle CLEN- got the shakes and sweats like crazy. hard time sleeping so i started taking melatonin to help. cant really say how much it helped cause of the stack but the first week i was on I dropped 7 Lbs. Could have been water though.

ran weeks 5-9 Nolva- ran 4 weeks PCT and did bloods after the 4th week and my Natty test was back at 734

highly endorse all the Kalpa products , they are spot on and sometimes over dosed ... Order with and have peace of mind that your order will be taken care of

This topic was modified 2 years ago by admin

ozzman, BadOldBear, carbchick and 21 people reacted
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I have been using Massroids for over 2 years now with between 15-20 orders all together. In all of those orders I have never had any serious issues during any portion of the process. Occasionally it may take longer than expected to receive an order, but whenever I inquire as to why there was a delay, they respond quickly and give me the most up to date info on the status of my order. This last order was again a success and my faith still resides in MassRoids.

From the beginning of this order, like every order, communication was smooth and although I did not need to reach out to customer support, I knew they would be there if I did.

From the day the money was picked up, it took exactly 11 days to reach my mailbox. Not bad at all during this ongoing CORONA-SHIT. Packaging as always was well wrapped and tight! No chance for broken bottles.

Been using the NPP, test E and Stanz for almost 3 weeks now. Just came off a long cruise of straight test E, so the addition of the NPP and Stanz is a god send. Kalpa Pharma NPP is top notch and some of the smoothest gear I've used. Helps to keep the joints lubed when that Stanz starts to dry them out. Looking forward to the next weeks to really start seeing some solid gains after the long cruise!! GP var is for the wife and she absolutely loves it. She had some negative sides from another lab she used so she took some time off before she worked up the courage to try another cycle. GP is definitely doing good things for her at 5mg ED. She'll move it up to 10mg ED soon!! will always be #1 for me. I still remember back in the day trying to find domestic sources and constantly being disappointed with every aspect of the process. MASS makes things so stress free and straight forward. No BS and quality gear. Can't ask for anything better.

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Best Source I've used!

Through out all my orders, I've never needed to contact them. The emails they send you are fully detailed

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Posts: 5

First time doing the online purchase and it honestly went better than expected. No doubt MassRoids is legit.

Communication process was perfect, they provided detailed instructions along the entire way and so I never had to ask a single question. It's very nice to get that level of support right from the beginning.

From the time payment was picked up, I had my products with 7-10 days. Packaged very safe an securely.

  • 3 x KP Cutaxyl
  • 1x10,000ius HCG
  • 1 x KP Ortrexyl (Superdrol)

Already begun Cutaxyl and 10 days in & feelin it! Slight insomnia from then tren and mode changes a little but noticing strength increases and my hips are leaning out already.!

This was my first time and I simply trusted in MassRoids and everything went better than expected. Solid prices, quality products and professional service; , can't beat that

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Posts: 2

Order from Massroids because you're going to get exactly what you want. Everything you could need and more. The only downside is the amount of time it takes from sending donation to ship. Otherwise everything else is spot on. No issues if you can handle the wait.

Everything well packaged no issues there. Once it was shipped came fast for international shipping. Only downside is from donation to shipping seems to take a little long sometimes.

All DP Primo, Nolva, Exemestane, Arimidex, Provirion

Everything has worked good, as it should, I just wish I could order more at a faster rate is the only downside really lol......

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Posts: 7

Hey! This is a follow up on an order that I received from massroids about a month and a half ago. I ordered some Kalpa Sust and some British Dragon Winny. First off, the order and order processes was flawless. I sent payment, then received confirmation email of items shipped. It took about 2 weeks or less for the order to get to my house. The packaging was very discrete and the items were nice and bundled awaiting to ingested. I'm about 5 shots in on my Kalpa Sust and about 2 weeks in on my winny, like always, the stuff is G2G. I'm experiencing all the usual sides from the sust and getting some insane pumps in the gym. I've already gained a noticable amount of muscle and I'm leaning out nice! Once again Massroids has done me right. Will definitely continue to purchase the good from here.

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this is by far the best supplier and retailer for anything you need regarding gear and supplies. they are very fast, very thorough and the products you get are real and actually work very well. I myself put on 26 pounds in about 4 months or less. And that was starting out taking very low doses at a time and still not hitting the gym as much as I should have been. I recommend the Axio line of product as it seems like one of the top products on the market and they are very reputable and Massroids strives to provide pretty much all of their products Axio offers. I've tried a few other brands from MASS over the last few months that also work very well too. the price is absolutely great on the website, you don't get ripped off and you get a damn good deal and it shows up relatively soon. I've ordered 4 times now in the last couple months and I've had no issues getting my order on time, in fact they came a bout a week earlier than originally expected by MASS. as I said below, the packaging was amazing and the customer service is outstanding. You're not going to find a more reputable and better spot to buy gear then MASS. They have everything you could possibly need at a far better price and better gear than anybody else on the Web. I recommended to a few friends and they had everything in agreeance with me after trying their products. Can't beat Lifetime customer here.

the communication is phenomenal and very fast as is the support. They alert you every step of the way and it goes quick. They really work to ship out your order immediately after collecting payment to decrease overall time before you receive it. If you need anything or have questions I've noticed they answer emails within an hour and also have a live chat pretty much all the time on their website which really helps but I really didn't need to use it because they pretty much answer your questions before you have the opportunity to ask.

Packages were very thoroughly packed and secured. The thing I like the most was the items were packaged in a box that was packaged inside a bigger box so the items were very well protected and also provided for discreet shipping so there were no issues receiving them. Also made it more effective so nothing took a risk of being damaged. Everything showed up perfectly intact and a hundred percent

Axio Test E250

Axio Deca 250

Axio Test Propionate 100

Axio oxyplex (oxymetholone)

Axio methanoplex 50

I'm stacking both Axio Tests with DECA, twice a week, for a weekly total of 200mg of test prop., 500mg test e and 250mg of Deca. I take dianabol and anadrol everyother day, on opposite days to ease the kidneys a tad bit as some help is better then nine, plus I've found, at least for me, when taking together at the same time or day, my stomach becomes very upset and aches begin.

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Top of the line company! MassRoids is my go-to-source! Never had a complaint dealing with them! Excellent customer service! Quality products!

Excellent communication, great customer service and support! Quick response and turnaround time in regards to issues!


Sustanon 250


Excellent quality from the Primobolan and Sustanon 250 from Organon. Feeling the strength increases and changes. Up 12 lbs in 2 weeks already! Getting stronger and adding more muscle by the week. T3 is keeping me pretty lean even with the tremendous caloric surplus.

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Posts: 7

I have placed many orders with massroids. Everything I have ordered was quality and he always gets it to me in a timely manner. My most recent order was for 3 novorapid pens. I have been researching about insulin lately and only thing I can get is humilin r but wanted to try humalog. Checked on massroids site and sure enough he had it. Placed order paid and pens arrived 2 weeks later. Stuff is def legit as I almost went hypo one day by not having enough carbs to cover.

Always great when needed. But usually place order pay and wait. No communication necessary.

2 weeks from the time I made payment.

3 novorapid pens

Quality is on point as I stated in my review.

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Posts: 3

I have used MassRoids a few times, every time I've received my order promptly with no problems within three weeks every time. On top of that, the quality of everything has been great. My last bulk I gained a high quality 30+lbs - not likely to happen on bunk stuff. Plus, it always makes me feel unstoppable - the massive pumps, huge gains, and heightened aggression are all testament to the quality. The one time I felt compelled to communicate with them they wrote back quickly and addressed my concerns nullifying my worries, everything was fine. I always recommend MASS to my close friends and they always come back with the same positive experiences. If you're looking for a no nonsense quality place to order, go MASS.

Fast communication and covered all questions. Friendly too, don't worry, bro!

Discreet, safe, no fear of breakage. I'm never worried about packaging here.

My last order:

KP Test E 250

KP Tren A (10 pack) - great bulk deals here.

KP Anadrol

High quality. I did not lab test them myself but I got great results, minimal sides, and much better than other products I've used in the past. Clearly effective and high quality.

Overall, great prices, high quality, fast shipping, good communication. MASS has never let me down. Keep up the awesome work guys!

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Posts: 1

I have ordered from massroids four times in the last 3 months . This site is 100% legit. I have ordered growth , test , primobolan, and equipoise .. Amongst other things . I have not been disappointed with one single thing. Potency is excellent . Delivery is super fast . I have gained strength and size just as I expected . You can't go wrong with this site . A+

Discreet shipping and always shipped quickly ..

I've been using there products for 3 months . All of them do exactly what they are intended to do , with the proper diet of corse .

Don't hesitate to order from massroids . I have people asking me everyday at the gym what I am taking . it all works great . i recommend this site highly .

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Posts: 9

4 orders so far with massroids and I'm always happy. Products received are always exactly as ordered and quality and effect have always been great! Shipping issues will eventually always arise and massroids takes care of any issue very quickly. I'll be a customer for life.

Packaging is secure and original packaging. Turn around time can fluctuate but they handle a ton of business.

Quality is better than most I've ever tried. Injections are smooth with pip as expected if not better. Pct products are great and seem to be potent. I run test e with npp or masteron then pct with hcg, clomid, then Nolva. Haven't used the hgh yet

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Posts: 7

This was my first time ordering gear online, so I did alot of research on what sites were legit and how the customers liked the gear. I kept coming back to, so I gave them a try. I'm glad I did, very impressed.

Package came in only 7 days to Canada, super quick. Packaging was bubble rapped and very compact and discrete.

High quality stuff best I ever had. dbol 1-5 week, anavar 6-7 week and some left over sust week 1-10

I'm going to order the test e next with more dbols and post cycle support.

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Posts: 3

Massroids is my go to for quality products that consistently prove to be effective and reliable. When I place an order, I know I will get my gear and it will be dosed correctly. Kalpa brand is generally all I order and that's due to it being painless and consistently providing results

The online support is generally available around the clock and is usually helpful for basic questions. For detailed issues its better to go through the ticketing system. They always respond and follow up.

Took about 4 weeks for the last order to arrive from payment to arrival. Packaging was discreet and secure.

Kalpatropin 100IU kit

Ran this product between 3 and 4 IUs for about 4 months. After a few weeks I started observing some water retention and numbness in my feet. My hands began to swell and I developed symptoms of carpal tunnel. This was at 4IUs/day, so I stepped it down to 3IUs/day and the sides were tolerable. After several weeks I noticed my appetite had significantly increased and adipolysis was in full effect. Despite a sloppy diet I was still leaning out and my vascularity was noticeably more pronounced. Recovery and nagging injuries remained about the same. I had some daytime sleepiness but that's usually the case for me anyway. I started running brand GH and cannot tell any difference from Kalpatropin.

Will order again, great product!

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Posts: 3

MassRoids was my first time using Hgh. Got Kalpatropin HGH. I used 6ius a day to try to most out it. Took about 6 weeks before I noticed anything. Abouty6 weeks I dropped 5lbs and no matter how much I cheated on diet I stayed lean. I can definitely say I was impressed. Since then I have tried Dragontropin HGH and Gerotrop HGH. The Kalpatropins were hands down much better. Dragontropins weren't as bad as I read they were. Kalpatropins are the best I have used.

I used 200ius total at 6ius a day.

I never really get numb hands like some people describe but no doubt it leaned me out. Good stuff will use again.

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